Resource Family Training Schedule

Registration is required to attend training series. To register, first sign up to be a resource family. Instructions on how to register will be in the application.
Registration is required to attend training series. To register, first sign up to be a resource family. Instructions on how to register will be in the application.
Resource Family Approvals — Also known as RFA — is a method of certifying care providers for the care and supervision of children, youth, and non-minor dependents (NMD) in the foster care system. Attend an Orientation Session to learn more. See here for more information on our 2018 Orientation Schedule.
Every applicant and co-applicant applying to be a resource family must complete the required pre-service trainings before being approved.
RFA PreService 12 Hour Approval Training
Date | Course | Time | Hours | Location |
3/3/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Child Welfare Overview | 9:00am – 12:00pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
3/3/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Understanding Your Role | 12:30pm – 3:30pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
3/10/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Developmental Needs | 9:00am – 12:00pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
3/10/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Positive Parenting & Psych Meds | 12:30pm – 3:30pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
Date | Course | Time | Hours | Location |
4/3/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Child Welfare Overview | 5:30pm – 8:30pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
4/5/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Understanding Your Role | 5:30pm – 8:30pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
4/10/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Developmental Needs | 5:30pm – 8:30pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
4/12/18 | RFA Pre-Service: Positive Parenting & Psych Meds | 5:30pm – 8:30pm | 3 | 3801 3rd St San Francisco |
If you intend to care for a child aged 0-3, you will need the following additional training before you are approved.
The following are advanced trainings that resource families can attend to continue their learning and to earn training hours for their annual renewal.